Ready To Be A Hockey Coach?

To be honest, and as I mentioned on the About page, I didn’t grow up playing organized hockey. We only had the frozen parking lot at the local pool, and only when it was cold enough to be able to play.  As my daughter progressed in hockey, I became more aware that I had no... Continue Reading →

How My Daughter Got Started In Hockey…

Everyone’s journey of how they got involved in the game is unique – the drivers and motivations are quite varied. For some it was watching an older sibling or family member play. For others it was that they are simply following their friends and wanted to be involved in similar activities.  And for some it... Continue Reading →

Welcome to Hockey Girl Dad!

This site chronicles the adventures of ice hockey parents. It seeks to share information on the sport, especially as it relates to girl's ice hockey in Illinois, that may help you through your own hockey parent journey. Looking back over the past four years I never realized all of the things I had learned, the... Continue Reading →

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